The Mission of Faith Independent Baptist Church
of South Philadelphia
We Hereby Endeavour to:
- Obey the GREAT COMMISSION by preaching the gospel to South Philadelphia and baptizing believers
- PREACH the Word of God in season and out of season, teaching and training Christians in God’s holy Word, the Authorized King James Bible.
- WORSHIP our Lord, King, and Savior Jesus Christ through psalms/hymns/spiritual songs, testimony, and obedience to his commandments and ordinances.
- Be a house of PRAYER.
- Be the BODY fitly joined and the BUILDING fitly framed together that would be an habitation for the HOLY SPIRIT.
- Encourage, exhort, and edify Christians to use their GIFTS to serve Christ.
- Imitate Jesus Christ’s LOVE and COMPASSION, without neglecting Christ Jesus’s HOLINESS and COMMANDMENTS.
- Enjoy sweet FELLOWSHIP with the brethren, apart from the world; through “iron sharpening iron,” the breaking of bread, and the spiritual and temporal work of the LORD.
- PREPARE Christians for: the ministry, the rapture, and the judgment seat.
- MODERNIZE, not COMPROMISE, keeping the “old paths” and the “ancient landmarks” intact, while embracing non-sinful technology, and a clean, modern, God-honoring church building.
- Maintain a biblical view of LIBERTY; to serve, and not to sin; endeavoring to sanctify ourselves, and separate from SIN and the world, that we may be presented to Christ a glorious church, not having spot or wrinkle.
- EXEMPLIFY E pluribus unum: “Out of many, one” – diverse cultures, backgrounds, and ages striving together for the one common goal of serving the Savior.
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Being a Christian is more than just an instantaneous conversion – it is a daily process whereby you grow to be more and more like Christ.
Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate; only love can do that.
God cannot give us a happiness and peace apart from Himself, because it is not there. There is no such thing.