The Mission of Faith Independent Baptist Church of South Philadelphia

We Hereby Endeavour to:

  • Obey the GREAT COMMISSION by preaching the gospel to South Philadelphia and baptizing believers
  • PREACH the Word of God in season and out of season, teaching and training Christians in God’s holy Word, the Authorized King James Bible.
  •  WORSHIP our Lord, King, and Savior Jesus Christ through psalms/hymns/spiritual songs, testimony, and obedience to his commandments and ordinances.
  • Be a house of PRAYER.
  • Be the BODY fitly joined and the BUILDING fitly framed together that would be an habitation for the HOLY SPIRIT.
  • Encourage, exhort, and edify Christians to use their GIFTS to serve Christ.
  • Imitate Jesus Christ’s LOVE and COMPASSION, without neglecting Christ Jesus’s HOLINESS and COMMANDMENTS.
  • Enjoy sweet FELLOWSHIP with the brethren, apart from the world; through “iron sharpening iron,” the breaking of bread, and the spiritual and temporal work of the LORD.
  • PREPARE Christians for: the ministry, the rapture, and the judgment seat.
  • MODERNIZE, not COMPROMISE, keeping the “old paths” and the “ancient landmarks” intact, while embracing non-sinful technology, and a clean, modern, God-honoring church building.
  • Maintain a biblical view of LIBERTY; to serve, and not to sin; endeavoring to sanctify ourselves, and separate from SIN and the world, that we may be presented to Christ a glorious church, not having spot or wrinkle.
  • EXEMPLIFY E pluribus unum: “Out of many, one” – diverse cultures, backgrounds, and ages striving together for the one common goal of serving the Savior.

what we believe- the gospel

We Believe In The Gospel: Our Core Beliefs

At faith, we believe in the divine inspiration of the 66 books of the Bible. The Bible serves as the infallible, authoritative guide for all matters of faith and practice. We stand firm in our belief that the King James Version as the preserved Word of God for English speakers.

Central to our faith is the doctrine of the Trinity – one God revealed in three persons: God the Father, God the Son (Jesus Christ), and God the Holy Spirit.

We affirm Jesus Christ as the unique Son of God, eternally existing and fully divine. His birth to the virgin Mary, his dual nature as fully God and fully man, and his sinless life are fundamental to our beliefs.

The Holy Spirit, as God’s presence in believers, empowers and guides us from the moment of salvation.

We proclaim the universal salvation through the atoning sacrifice of Jesus Christ, available to all who repent of their sins and accept Him as personal Savior by faith.

As believers, we are committed to the local church, a community of baptized followers of Christ, led by Him as the head.

We believe and advocate for a life of separation from worldly influences, dedicating ourselves wholly to God.

Following the Great Commission, we are called to share the Gospel boldly, engaging in soul-winning endeavors as commissioned by Christ.

Anticipating the pre-tribulation, pre-millennial rapture, we eagerly await the return of Christ for His church.

We believe in the bodily resurrection of both the saved and the unsaved, as well as the future judgments outlined in Scripture.

In all things, we trust in the prophetic accuracy of the Bible, believing in the fulfillment of future events as described within its pages.

At Faith, these beliefs form the foundation of our faith and guide our mission to spread the Gospel message to the world.

Come Visit us This Weekend